G.R. Green, Auto Broker

If you are looking for a used or new vehicle, we can help you.

Call George Green

If you are the kind of person who has a busy life and you do not enjoy the car buying process, then our service is just what you’ve been looking for.

We know that a lot of people feel frustrated and stressed when it comes time to replace their vehicles.

It can be very confusing when looking for a used or new vehicle today with all the information that is floating out there on the Internet.

If you are feeling any of these emotions… like frustrated, stressed out, confused or in information overload… you’re not alone.

Take a deep breath.

It doesn’t have to be that way.

We can help you because we do have a solution.

Here’s What Our Auto Consultants Do For You:

  • You tell us what you are looking for.
  • We go and find the vehicle that fits your parameters.
  • We handle the negotiating.
  • We can arrange financing for you.
  • We run two History Reports (Carfax and AutoCheck).
  • We do a safety inspection and detail your vehicle.
  • We delivery your vehicle and handle all the paper work.
  • We help you get the best vehicle (without the hassle)

We help you actually ENJOY the car-buying experience by saving you time, money, and stress.

If you have ever felt frustrated and didn’t like the way you were treated when you bought your last vehicle, then you are going to love our system.

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